Bellsdyke, A905, Near Falkirk

OS 1937-61
Modern Map
Date opened/built:



0.58 miles (931m); additional stretch not on period OS map, 0.48 miles (776m).


6ft (1.83m).

Adjoining footway:

Yes, but disappears under hedge soon after start of cycle track.

Road type:

Rural road.


Modern asphalt.

Both sides of road:


Adjacent to social housing:


Period mapping:

OS 1:2,500, revised 1959, published 1960 and Shows cycle tracks to roundabout on South Approach Road, A876 (to Kincardine Bridge) but none north ( although, on east side, a cycle track or footway is on the ground north of the roundabout, for a short stretch.

OpenCycleMap status: Marked as cycleway both sides of road; footway also marked.


Period newspaper report, archive mapping.


OS aerial photo, 1950. Cycle track can be seen faintly. Cyclist using the cycle track:

Splayed entrance to the Bellsdyke cycle track.

In April 1939, the Highways Committee of Stirlingshire County Council discussed the widening of the A905 from Grangemouth to Kincardine Bridge Road, including cycle tracks and a footway. The understanding was that another carriageway would be added later.

“The County Road Surveyor was instructed,” reveals minutes, “to prepare plans for the layout for submission at next meeting.”

In the meantime, the minutes continued, “he was instructed to proceed with the construction of dual carriageways between Kincardine Bridge Road and Bellsdyke Road.”

Bellsdyke cycle track on Google Earth’s 1945 aerial layer.

This dual carriageway was not built, but the cycle tracks and footways were installed, some time after 1939. The council was given a 75 percent grant to widen the road and install the cycle tracks and footways. The cycle tracks are still in good condition, but the footways have been mostly lost.

Google Earth’s 1945 aerial layer shows at least one cycle track was in situ by the end of WWII.


The understanding was ... Kincardine Bridge was opened by Lord Elgin, Lord Mar and Kellie, and Charles Horsbrugh (respectively Conveners of the counties of Fife, Clackmannan, and Stirling) on 29 October 1936. It had the largest swing span of any bridge in Europe. Renumbered as A876 by 1956 then A985 in 2008 upon the opening of the adjacent Clackmannanshire Bridge. See:

“The County Road Surveyor ... “In the minute of meeting of the Highways Committee, it was reported that the chairman stated that he had been informed that the Ministry of Transport had now decided that they could not make any grant for a single 30-feet carriageway between Bellsdyke Road and Beancross. The Ministry might be prepared to make a grant of 75 per cent, for 22-feet carriageway between these points, with cycle track and a footpath, provided that the County Council took in sufficient land for a second carriageway to constructed at a later date if required. The County Road Surveyor was instructed, if the Ministry agreed to give the 75 per cent, grant to prepare plans for the layout for submission at next meeting. In the meantime, he was instructed to proceed with the construction of dual carriageways between Kincardine Bridge Road and Bellsdyke Road. Replying to Bailie Brown, Grangemouth, who asked for further information in connection with the matters referred to in the minute. Mr T. G. Wilson, Killearn, convener of the Highways Committee, said the plans were submitted to the Committee at their last meeting, and had since been forwarded to the Ministry of Transport for their approval. Whenever the Ministry indicated that they were willing to give a 75 per cent, grant for the work, the Highways Committee would pressed as soon as possible. At the moment, the indication from the Ministry was that the grant would to given, though nothing had been put in black and white. With a 75 ner cent, grant, the total cost would be approximately £17,500, or £1,000. more than the original estimate.” Falkirk Herald, 29 April 1939.

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